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Back in January of 2014 I posted here that Stuart Brogden has made freely available a fairly extensive library of works pertinent to Reformed Baptists. He describes his website as the “Home of the Semper Reformanda Baptist Library, a free tool intended to encourage and equip my fellow Baptists to stand firm and dig into our rich history and theology, while never growing weary of reforming to the Word of God.” I received a message yesterday stating that the web pages had been updated to provide links to library content by topic. Check it out and let us know what you think, or suggest other sites for our readers to check out.

11 thoughts on “Semper Reformanda Baptist Library

  1. I've asked him before, he said he obtained them all legally, but my question is whether or not he has the right to distribute them. 🙂 I was never convinced so I never posted on ConfessingBaptist.com

  2. Again, I hope that is not the case, but perhaps he will respond here to let us know. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, but I'll delete the posts next week without some confirmation. Are there any particular works that you are concerned about?

  3. Jason – each copyrighted document in the library contains a note from the owner, giving me permission to distribute them as part of the library. The library has grown substantially since it began and providing the contents by topic does not violate the agreements.

  4. Early on there were a few titles I did not have permission to use, as this started out as a personal library and it took me a while to find and remove them. Everything in the library today and on the web site is distributed with permission for every document that is copyrighted. I've put a note in every document I found quoting the permission from the copyright holder. If anyone finds a copyrighted documented without permission noted, please contact me.

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