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Many of the blog’s readers will have noticed that we have employed Reftagger here on the blog for years. This is the feature, created by the folks at Logos Bible Software, that brings up a window with a Scripture text whenever a you hover over a Scripture reference on the blog. But some of you may not yet have noticed that just a few weeks ago the Reftagger Control Panel was added to the blog. If you look to the panel on the upper right hand side of the blog under “Choose Bible Translation” you will see the control panel, which has a drop down menu that allows you to select from an assortment of popular translations in which to view a Scripture passage whenever you hover over a reference. Also, if you have the Logos Bible Software loaded on your computer and you check the “Libronix” box on the control panel, then it will add a smallicon next to each reference. Clicking on the icon will automatically open your text in the Logos Bible Software program.

Our thanks to the folks at Logos for making this feature freely available so that our readers may have a better user experience on our blog.

2 thoughts on “The Reftagger Control Panel Added to the Reformed Baptist Blog

  1. Sadly, there are several versions on the list that I don't like. The Message, in my opinion, is falsely advertised as a “translation,” when in reality it is an extremely loose paraphrase and a lousy one at that. It is my hope, however, that the average reader of this blog will stay away from such versions.

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