Jesus’ Model Prayer: The Sixth Petition

In this post I am continuing a series on the Lord's Prayer. What follows are my teaching notes on the text in Matthew. I hope the blog's readers will find it helpful. Introduction: Illustration: “In a Frank and Ernest cartoon the two characters are standing before a priest and Frank asks, 'How come opportunity knocks … Continue reading Jesus’ Model Prayer: The Sixth Petition

Jesus’ Model Prayer: The Fifth Petition

In this post I am continuing a series on the Lord's Prayer. What follows are my teaching notes on the text in Matthew. I hope the blog's readers will find it helpful. Introduction: When tempted by Satan, Jesus reminded him that “man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from … Continue reading Jesus’ Model Prayer: The Fifth Petition

Veterans Day Remembrance – Every War Has An End

As both a Christian and a veteran, I look forward to the time when all war will end. Isaiah foretold that the Messiah, the Lord Jesus, would usher in such a time: NKJ Isaiah 2:4 "He shall judge between the nations, and rebuke many people; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears … Continue reading Veterans Day Remembrance – Every War Has An End

Jesus’ Model Prayer: The Fourth Petition

In this post I am continuing a series on the Lord's Prayer. What follows are my teaching notes on the text in Matthew. I hope the blog's readers will find it helpful. Introduction: In our previous examination of the first three petitions of this prayer – that God's name be hallowed, that His Kingdom come, … Continue reading Jesus’ Model Prayer: The Fourth Petition